HC_BBDonor Data Dictionary

Healthcare Blood Bank Donor Information

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
BloodDonorID Blood Donor ID Unique identifier assigned to a blood donor in the health care system.
BloodTypeID Blood Type ID Identifier representing the blood type of the donor, typically used to match with recipients.
DateRegistered Date Registered The date on which the donor registered in the blood bank system.
IsActive Is Active Indicates whether the donor is currently active and eligible for donating blood.
IsActiveDate Is Active Date The date on which the donor's status was last confirmed as active.
RecptID Recipient ID Unique identifier for a recipient who has received or is eligible to receive a blood donation.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type ID Identifier for the type of recipient, categorizing the requirements or conditions for receiving blood.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum A checksum value used in audit logs to verify the integrity of the data associated with this donor instance.
ZUDate ZU Date Date and time when the audit record was created, indicating a data usage event for tracking and security purposes.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History ID Identifier for a specific logon history event associated with the donor, used for system access and audit logs.